Friday, March 20, 2009

Back - again!

Alrighty - so I've been a tad...absent of late. My sincerest apologies. Last time my words were published to this page, I was enormous with child, and annoyed with the ruffly, flowery, CUTESY fashions that seemed to dominate my local maternity clothing stores. Well, here we are. I'm wearing my ever-so-fashionable sweatpants and t-shirt. My beloved son is now just a shade over seven months old, and a total cutey, though a total handful as well!

So, why, you ask, have I decided to revive this blog amid diaper changes, crying fits, play times, and such? Well, today, I turn the august age of 32. Yup, I'm creeping slowly closer to 40. As a result, I've made some resolutions - including reviving my blog. I love fashion and style, and I love writing. It's time to get back into it!

So please, dear reader, bear with me as I delve once more into the blogging world! I hope to post at least once a week on an ongoing basis. Thanks again for your support! And as a little treat, here's a pic of my adorable, hyper, curious, energetic, smart-as-a-whip, cute-as-a-button son!

George Henri Bilodeau:


Anonymous said...

Welcome back!!! :D

Unknown said...

What an angel, rolled up to a boll :)

Khabuul 8A said...

ive never seen a more adorable little kid. other than my baby brother of course. hes like cuteness rolled up into a baby!!!