Saturday, June 23, 2007

Welcome to Crimes of Fashion!

Welcome to my new blog, Crimes of Fashion! Generally, when I picture a fashion writer, I imagine someone whose hair mysteriously stays in place through hurricane-force winds; someone who can stride purposefully around in four-inch spike heels without so much as a blister (let alone a broken ankle); someone who's always cool, calm, collected, and couture-clad.

I am, alas, none of these things. I have suffered from the occasional v.p.l. (visible panty lines), my hair tends towards frizzy; and, (don't panic!) I have been known to wear brown shoes with black pants. I assure you, I have no holier than thou attitude towards fashion - I love it very much, even if I can't necessarily pull it off...

...and I find the fashion transgressions of men and women alike in my office a source of constant entertainment, not disgust. Hey, if you want to wear red leather pants in accounts receivable, go for it, I say! If you have the guts to wear two different animal prints at once, I salute you. I write here not as a member of the fashion police, but more as a fashion anthropologist. I hope that my documentation of the sartorial culture of my little office world will make for some fun reading. So please, enjoy both pics and words! Cheers! W

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